Magic company – The Skymember Presents

Skymember Presents is not an old magic company in Malaysia. Skymember Presents founded in 2016. They keep coming out new magic product including playing cards, DVD tutorial and gimmicks.

Their ideas always innovative and creative, therefore Skymember Presents has the new generation of magician in Malaysia to become their fan and I am one of the big fan of them. Besides, they collaborate with high potential magician. Avi Yap is one of the signature magician. Although their customer is main targeted in south east Asia, in fact they still can sell their products to a big number of copies.

Gravitas, their new product of playing cards. Gravitas is designed by Avi Yap, They have printed 500 copies of Gravitas but they save sold 60% of Gravitas during the pre-order sale. From here,you can see their potential of their company. They are not only advance in design at the same time they are advance in commercial video. Smooth editing, nice sound effects to fit the visual of effect of the magic trick and successfully transfer their main m messages to customer.

The link for their new commercial video,

I purposely write this post for anyone who wants to get advance to magic trick to be a intermediate magician, yes, Skymember Presents is one of your choice. They do provide gimmicks tutorial video and gimmickless tutorial video, kindly have a look to their website. Grab any fantastic lecture video of them, for sure you will evolve to a intermediate magician.

The coin trick – Classic palm

Before the last post, I gonna share the useful magic coin trick, classic palm. Classic palm is very useful, it can produce ton of magic routine and you only need to prepare is a silver coin. Hereby the question why not the other color of coin?

Classic palm works for any coin but silver coin boost the effects to the best. Silver coin shines and it could attract the spectator concentration. The more concentration you get, you can easily do a misdirection for other tricks. Usually the magician use the America half dollar.

The size of America half dollar is fit to most of the people’s hand. If you have a big hand, you could use America one dollar. For Malaysian, the old 50cents could work for it. So now let’s move on to the tutorial session.

Place the coin to your middle of your palm. Use the muscle between thumb and the piggy to grab the the coin.

The coin will not fall down.This is how magician usually hide the coin. This trick is simple and beginner could handle for this trick. But the advance magician could use this classic palm to create an illusion to spectator that the coin suddenly appear and disappear.

One daily routine you could do to your friends. Firstly, do the classic palm and following that tell your friend there is something on his or her shoulder. Your friend would look to the should and find out nothing is there. Then, you move your hand towards your friend’s shoulder and give a touch, show him or her the coin. I believe your friend will be a surprise when you do this trick.

If you really want to learn more to classic palm, check this video.

This video is about how to do a coin vanish by using classic palm. Have a good day with surprise your friend.

Psychology test – to know more about yourself

Background of a person decides his personalities, if you have happy background in your life, I believe you are a person with positive energy. But, have you wonder you own personalities? or should I change my question to how much you know about you own personalities?

Today, I want share website for you all, the link is over right here

This is website is one of the famous website about the psychology test. But this website is much better that it include IQ test, career test and more. As topic mention psychology test, so I will focus psychology test only.

Before you start the test, read the instructions given.

Next, you need to answer the question prepared. In total, there is 120 questions for psychology test.

After you have answered all the questions, then you need to give some personal information for the last fill up.

Following that, your own personalities test result will pop up. You can known more about yourself. Here is my result.

What about yours hahaha. Share your result in the comment below.

The Asian Delight

Recently, Wall’s come out their new products, Asian Delight, a local flavors of ice cream. Currently, in Malaysia only have this four flavors, coconut, taro, black bean and coconut corn. I am surprised this new products is super good. I have tried three of it, the only one I have not tried is the coconut corn.

If anyone of you have tasted this coconut corn, share to me your thoughts. Back to topic, Although, this four flavors is similar to the Potong. Potong’s ice cream flavors is more towards to typical Malaysian. Potong is first that they come out the flavor of teh tarik.

I compare the black bean flavor of this two company. King’s Potong is cheaper. Potong has a box of each flavor. And a box cost RM8.49 (Tesco price), each for RM1.4~RM1.5. Wall’s Asian Delight cost RM1.9~RM2( depends where you buy).

For taste, I pick Asian Delight for the winner. You can taste the real ingredient they use, each black beans in the ice cream has the solid taste, unlike Potong Black Bean, you feel like they use the cheap black bean. Overall, both are good but for flavor taro, black bean and coconut, Wall’s Asian Delight is more delicious for me.

Is music distracting you from focusing?

Would you listen to music when you are doing some task? For students, many of them will listen to music when they are doing assignment or studying. But, some of the lecturer is really dislike their students listen to their headphones when the lecturer is teaching because the lecturer want their students fully focus on the lecture. So the question is do music distracting you from focusing?

Yes, there are effects to the listener. Will music distract you from focus? Yes, it will if and only if you listen to non-relax music. Music can affects mood of human, so listen to suitable music will help for focusing. Rock music may activate your brain to be super creative, but it may not suitable for focusing. Relaxing music like jazz or some musical instrumental music will help to focus.

Besides that, music helps to memorize things. Have you experienced that you super hard to recall back your memory in silence environment. I think most of them students experienced cannot recall the important information in the exam hall because it is too quiet in the hall.

In fact there is many benefit if you listen to music while studying. The important is music helps to relax, that you tend to be more relax and more positive so you won’t get any stress environment for study. Therefore, you retain the information better. If you have no experience before, go and try to listen to some jazz music while studying, I think you love it.

Why Ramly burger is a big hit?

As a Malaysian, I always advice my friends from oversea to try our Malaysian style burger, Ramly burger. Ramly burger is on big hit in Malaysia, as you can see the number of Ramly burger stalk is getting more compare to past few years. But what makes Ramly burger so special and some people even craving for it; Isn’t the taste of it or the price of it? Alright, let’s get into it so we can understand why Ramly burger in on the big hit.

I believe you have seen this ramly burger stall on the roadside. From the past, the people usually pick up the choice for fast food burger, like McDonald and Burger’s King. As what I discover is that, the stallholder catch up the trend of cheese unlike the past Ramly burger special is just a piece of meat patty, egg and cucumber and sauces.

The picture above is the Jumbo Grilled Chicken Burger with egg from the stall, D’New Burger. It looks so tasty and the price of it is not expensive, it cost only RM9.80. You can’t buy any fast food burger with the combination combo of egg and cheese below RM10.

Location of D’New Burger (In front of TK Bakery)
Jalan SS 15/4D,
SS 15, 47500
Subang Jaya.

In addition, you can’t get many choice of ingredient of a fast food with low price. The picture above is McDonald Grilled chicken burger(GCB) cost you RM12.50. And you look there is no cheese and egg although the chicken patty is thicker, it may not hit your taste buds with the simple combination of it. So from the price and taste, Ramly burger can actually beat fast food burger down. It is more affordable compare to fast food burger. I can’t say Ramly burger is the best because everyone has their own favorite burger, but I believe no one will say a no for Ramly burger.

Last but no least, we compare to the calories of the burger. A normal chicken Ramly burger is 476 cal and a McChicken is 470 cal. There is no big different between the normal choice, for sure if you add on cheese and egg, the calories of Ramly burger will be high calories, but you still control by yourself that reject other ingredients in your normal Ramly burger.

source of chicken Ramly burger’s calories
souce of McChicken’s calories

We can sum all that, Ramly burger is cheaper than fast food burger and at the same time it has more choices compare to the fast food burger. As long as Ramly burger can catch up the trend of food, for example cheese, then Ramly burger will not beat down by the fast food burger.

The art of misdirection

Misdirection is a technique that magician commonly use in performance in order to hide the gimmicks or to hide the way he did the tricks. In my journey to be a beginner magician, my senior had explained to me that misdirection is useful. In real life, not only magician use misdirection, in fact that theft and some of the martial fighters will use misdirection to achieve their goals.

How is misdirection works?
The spekaer has to attract the audience attention for the fact he is distracting the audience to focus on the other things. Basically, theft is not the master of misdirection so usually there is few peoples participate the criminal. One is getting the attention, the other one is stealing the target.

The famous pickpocket master, Apollo Robins explains the misdirection of his way to pickpocket. This technique is one of the theft common use, so grab a few minutes to watch Apollo Robins’ talk, I strongly believe it boost your awareness of your own belongings’ protection.
Click this link to watch:

It upgrade from technique to arts due to reason that no matter how audience try to focus, still get distract by the speaker. The speaker could use tone of speaking or attracting words to get attention of audience, this act we called it as psychology of persuasion. In the talk of Apollo Robins, he shows us where you focus, yet still misdirect by him, because he guides the audience to be distracted in a way the audience doesn’t realize it.

If you interested in this art, you only need to do is practice, practice and practice!

The main difference between men and women

I believe everyone know about the fact that women and men have different sexual organ but how about the other different on mental or biological? From the past to current, there is two gang of people are fighting for thoughts, the gang of men and the gang of women. Of course, I need to support my own gang, the gang of men. LOL. It doesn’t mean I disagree the stand of women. Firstly, we have to know the reason why women and men will fight for thoughts.  Basically, we have to know men and women is differently no matter is on physically or mentally. But, the mentally difference is the top reason to cause men and women fight for the thoughts.

Male brains different to female brains and this cause to the mentally difference between men and women. The Gregory L. Jantz Ph.D. wrote down a journal before in 2014. He stated that the grey matter areas in the brain of male is more than female. The fact that the grey zone is help to processing message of information and action, thus the male usually will be super focus on doing one thing only. As the result, some the women will say you always forget to do the other things, but the male maybe just in mode of overfocusing.

To read more click this

Due to this biological different, it results the men and women have behavior difference. Women can multi-tasks for example, they can cook a meal and catch up the news from the radio. But men will be laser-focused that not thinking about the other things and focus on only one task. So when a men request not to interrupted him means he wants to get the task done.

Do you believe ghost exist

These days, the case of MOMO remind me about my experiences about ghost. If you ask me do ghost exist? I will answer maybe, it can a YES at the same time it can be a NO, the answer will depends your beliefs. But the fun fact is whatever religion, races or even people from different countries, there is somebody believe ghost or spirit exist in this world.

Someone disappearing on you doesn’t reflect your worth. It reflects their fear of being seen.

Baggage Reclaim

Anyways, I will share about my experiences. When I was seven years-old, I had a high fever so my parents took me to clinic. After the medical checking, the doctor said: ” Is a normal fever, take the pills will be fine”. After that, I had eaten the pills for three days and I’m still in high fever. My father thought that the doctor gave useless medicine for me, so he brought me to another clinic. Same things happened, I took the medicine and I was not recovering after taken those medicine.

By following that, my parents brought me to Johor Specialist hospital. The first day of hospitalized quite relax, free food for me. The next day, it becomes horrible, I vomit and still in the high fever condition. The following days keep the same condition, but I suddenly recover on the sixth day. that my fever just gone.

Until the last sembreak, the new year break, my mom told that, she went to a temple and requested a master to take away the spirit around me. I am shocked with that when my mom told me what she did. Besides that, she told when I was little boy( around 3 years-old) I have said something she unexpected. She said I told her before my friend come inside the room and play with me but she have seen nobody, then she realized I am abnormal that I can see the “nobody”. After I have grown up, I couldn’t remember those things I saw before but I believe my mom is not that bored to lie on me.

So this my stories about ghost/spirit, anyone experienced these kind of weird stuff?

The unrealistic stuff


Hey! I’m back to share my one of interested hobbies, magic. Recently, I get into magic because the Magic club of Xiamen University Malaysia(XMUM). Last year, our club of honor that we invited a Singapore magician, Avi Yap. My mind blew in the magic performances, a lot illusion effects confusing your mind. After that, I am curious to know how he perform the trick and I attended Avi Yap’s lecture organised by the Out of The Box.

If you don’t know who is Avi Yap, you can check this out
Nova, the original idea came out from Avi Yap, a instant visual effect of card tricks.

The magic club members and I attended in the lecture class

In the magic lecture, I am so surprised that magic is not only the classic stage magic could work, close up magic is something miracle that you don’t believe it after you have check the tools of the magician used. Fortunately, Avi Yap taught multiple tricks in that lecture but for me is a bit difficult to catch up. And I found out that gimmicks is super expensive. Most of the gimmicks can cost you 50$ USD above(RM250++). So what I prefer to beginner magician is buy magic books to learn magic tricks instead of buy gimmicks for one or two tricks only.

After attended to the lecture class, I realized magic is not simple, you have know multiple field of knowledge in order to conduct your magic performance well. Audience control, misdirection, psychologically thinking by audience, those are the elements that a success magic should know, is not only you know the trick, you can perform it. By the way, I am still a beginner of this magic field and I hope I get more friends to share magic knowledge. Lastly, I hope you enjoy about my magic experiences.

One of the coin tricks routine that Avi Yap would perform, comment down below if you can reveal it.